手机版 我的世界16w39b中文版



操作系统 Windows XP,Windows Vista,Windows 7,Windows 8
运行环境 无特殊需求
CPU Intel Core2 Duo E4600 @ 2.40Hz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 5000+
内存 2 GB
显卡 GeForce 8800 GT / Radeon HD 3870
硬盘 4 GB



[Bug MC­105513] ­ Loading Structures that contain no blocks ignores entities

[Bug MC­105513] ­ 加载不包含方块的结构会无视实体

[Bug MC­106571] ­ Cannot tab­complete “flush” with the save­all command

[Bug MC­106571] ­ 不能在使用save­all命令时用Tab自动完成flush

[Bug MC­106573] ­ “flush” argument in save­all not included in /help save­all

[Bug MC­106573] ­ 在/help save­all中没有包含save­all的flush参数

[Bug MC­107221] ­ Can’t breed Donkeys with Horses, making Mules unobtainable

[Bug MC­107221] ­ 不能使驴和马杂交,这使得骡不能被获得

[Bug MC­107379] ­ Spawn Eggs of new Mobs are not sorted alphabetically in Creative Inventory

[Bug MC­107379] ­ 创造模式物品栏中新生物的刷怪蛋没有按字典顺序排列

[Bug MC­107383] ­ Coloured shulker boxes give off purple particles when being broken.

[Bug MC­107383] ­ 染色的潜影箱被破坏时掉落紫色颗粒

[Bug MC­107385] ­ Shulker Box has no texture on bottom when opened

[Bug MC­107385] ­ 潜影箱被打开始底部没有纹理

[Bug MC­107388] ­ Shulker boxes don’t retain custom names when placed or broken

[Bug MC­107388] ­ 潜影箱被放置或破坏时不保留自定义名称

[Bug MC­107391] ­ Shulker boxes don’t get color applied when crafting with a dye

[Bug MC­107391] ­ 潜影箱和染料合成时不会被染上色

[Bug MC­107392] ­ Inserting Items into a furnace crashes the client

[Bug MC­107392] ­ 向熔炉中放置物品会崩掉客户端

[Bug MC­107398] ­ All colored shulkers boxes named have only “Shulker Box” that would named colors like example: “Blue Shulker Box”

[Bug MC­107398] ­ 所有颜色的潜影箱都只会叫“潜影箱”,正确的命名应该像“蓝色潜影箱”这样

[Bug MC­107400] ­ Looting Enchant does not affect Llama Leather drops

[Bug MC­107400] ­ 掠夺附魔不会影响羊驼的皮革掉落

[Bug MC­107405] ­ Player is unable to put plants (saplings, flowers, ferns) into flower pots

[Bug MC­107405] ­ 玩家无法将植物(树苗、花、蕨)放入花盆

[Bug MC­107423] ­ When placing a coloured shulker box it’s purple for a fraction of a second

[Bug MC­107423] ­ 当放置有颜色的潜影箱时很短时间内它是紫色的

[Bug MC­107425] ­ Llamas/horses don’t show hearts when tamed

[Bug MC­107425] ­ 羊驼/马被驯服时不显示爱心

[Bug MC­107427] ­ Shulker Box can only be accessed by 1 player at the same time (WaI?)

[Bug MC­107427] ­ 潜影箱同一时间只能被一个玩家访问

[Bug MC­107458] ­ You can place Shulker Boxes underneath yourself

[Bug MC­107458] ­ 你可以在脚下放置潜影箱

[Bug MC­107469] ­ Silent Tag does not affect Evocation Fangs

[Bug MC­107469] ­ Silent标签不会影响Evocation的Fang攻击

[Bug MC­107479] ­ Shulker box interactions doesn’t appear in the Statistics like other interactions.

[Bug MC­107479] ­ 潜影箱的使用次数不会显示在统计中

[Bug MC­107486] ­ Villagers don’t run away from Illagers

[Bug MC­107486] ­ 村民不会逃离Illager

[Bug MC­107498] ­ Uninteded capital “LLama” in subtitles

[Bug MC­107498] ­ 字幕显示“LLama”

[Bug MC­107501] ­ Crash when trying to place shulker box within the same block as a sign or piston extensions

[Bug MC­107501] ­ 当试图将潜影箱放入标识牌或活塞臂的方块中时会崩溃

[Bug MC­107510] ­ Curse of Binding doesn’t affect mobs wearing items.

[Bug MC­107510] ­ 结合诅咒不会影响生物戴有的物品

[Bug MC­107528] ­ Can only craft Shulker Boxes in the middle column of a crafting table

[Bug MC­107528] ­ 只能在工作台的中间一列合成潜影箱

[Bug MC­107536] ­ Llamas do not save their inventory NBT data, causing java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException crash

[Bug MC­107536] ­ 羊驼不保存物品NBT数据,这导致了java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException崩溃

[Bug MC­107573] ­ Sound event name of shulker box is miscategorised as entity, instead of block.

[Bug MC­107573] ­ 潜影箱的声音事件被被误分类为了实体,正确的分类是方块

[Bug MC­107586] ­ Items with Curse of Vanishing are dropped by mobs that hold them sometimes.

[Bug MC­107586] ­ 持有带有消失诅咒附魔的物品的生物有时会将其掉落

[Bug MC­107598] ­ Shulker box’s GUI elements are slightly offset in comparison to chest’s

[Bug MC­107598] ­ 潜影箱的GUI元素和箱子相比有轻微的位移

[Bug MC­107608] ­ Pick Block on placed Shulker Boxes gives different item than found in the creative inventory

[Bug MC­107608] ­ 对潜影箱使用拾取方块会给予与创造模式物品栏中不同的物品

[Bug MC­107612] ­ Small shulker texture errors

[Bug MC­107612] ­ 小潜影贝纹理错误

[Bug MC­107614] ­ Llamas have unused saddle slot

[Bug MC­107614] ­ 羊驼有未使用的鞍栏

[Bug MC­107643] ­ Wolf is indecisive around llamas while hostile toward the llama.

[Bug MC­107643] ­ 狼在对羊驼有仇恨的时候很忐忑

[Bug MC­107661] ­ Shulker Boxes always dispensed vertically

[Bug MC­107661] ­ 潜影箱总是竖着的

[Bug MC­107683] ­ Llama causes crash when breeding if “Strength” is 0

[Bug MC­107683] ­ 羊驼的“Strength”为0时进行繁殖会导致崩溃

[Bug MC­107746] ­ Totem consumed all stack when used

[Bug MC­107746] ­ 使用图腾时会消耗整个物品堆





  • 我的世界16w39b截图1
  • 我的世界16w39b截图2
  • 我的世界16w39b截图3
  • 我的世界16w39b截图4
  • 我的世界16w39b截图5
  • 我的世界16w39b截图6
  • 我的世界16w39b截图7
  • 我的世界16w39b截图8
  • 我的世界整合包
  • 我的世界合集



